Revising scientific texts

45 min
  • 05.12.2024, 13:15 - 14:00
Online course
  • B?rtsch,?Christine  ()
  • ETH-Bibliothek,?Information  ()
free of costs
  • What are the most important characteristics of scientific texts and language?
  • What aspects contribute to other readers understanding your text?
  • How are the red thread and the reading guidance implemented?
  • What role do citation style, source references and bibliography play?
  • How do formatting, typography and layout contribute to reading guidance?

At the end of the course, you are able to

  • identify the most important aspects of content, text, language and layout that turn a rough draft into a good and comprehensible scientific text,
  • understand how to get a red thread into the text, and how to implement the reading guidance,
  • understand how to create a coherent text,
  • understand the advantages and risks of using AI-based tools for revising your text.
  • Bachelor students
  • Master students
  • Doctoral students
  • Scientific staff
  • Technical and administration staff

Scientific Writing at ETH Zürich

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